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Showing posts from August, 2019

Determining a margin of error in an inspection is the job of machine vision systems manufacturers

A production line would not be complete if it did not have an area that determined whether the final result is good or if it should be discarded. Performing a visual inspection of all the parts within a production line is a task that many visual inspection machines currently carry out, and since the arrival of these, the production process has been simplified and shortened, giving very productive results and fast, but this is achieved after an exact study of what you want to achieve and what will be done to reach that goal. Those who bring the system of  visual inspection machines  to life must take into account many elements of observation and study. Machine vision systems manufacturers  have many responsibilities, first of all to integrate all the elements so that they can give the best performance in terms of visual inspection, but not only physically they must work, but there are also other aspects that must take care . In the imaging software, the paramete...

According to top machine vision systems manufacturers, what is the importance of good imaging software?

The set of elements and the functionality of each of them is what determines the result of the visual inspection. Each of the elements that are involved in a visual inspection play a fundamental role, and this is well known by all  machine vision systems manufacturers , which is why they are always working together with other people, for example with  machine vision camera manufacturers  to achieve a fairly clear and pure image and thus detect errors more quickly and accurately than was possible in the past. There are some elements that are more linked to the result and customer requirements than others. While it is true that there are many elements involved in visual inspection, there are some that together with the requirements of the clients become more decisive than others, for example, according to the needs that those interested in performing the visual inspection may have,  machine vision systems manufacturers  will configure the processes and...

What function does presence verification perform on a visual inspection machine?

The visual inspection covers many fields, and is that not only is it a device that captures images of a material from different angles and in high resolution, but also has multiple functions linked to its main objective which is the detection of anomalies in a specific object. A  visual inspection machine  must be able to alert the system when it finds a fault, and this is only possible through a vision control system for each of the products that are in the final stage, thus ensuring quality and the functionality of it. Within a  visual inspection machine  there are several work areas that meet specific objectives. There are well-established functions that are responsible for ruling out specific problems, and each must show the user every problem that may result from the review. The system consists of several parts so that together they can complete the visual review successfully. One of the elements that plays a fundamental role and makes  a  v...